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May We Introduce Ourselves?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec fringilla diam nunc, a porta massa commodo a. Maecenas tincidunt lacinia ex vel rutrum. Nam convallis molestie turpis eget pretium. Sed dignissim quam at egestas iaculis. Nulla facilisi. Nunc non felis ac turpis dictum consectetur. Suspendisse sit amet erat et tellus porttitor tincidunt in sed purus. Morbi nec dignissim erat, nec tempus dui. Quisque tincidunt magna sem, sed aliquam felis pharetra vitae.

  • Etiam eu molestie eros, commodo hendrerit sapien.
  • Morbi vel leo interdum enim varius faucibus.
  • Etiam eu molestie eros, commodo hendrerit sapien.
  • Morbi vel leo interdum enim varius faucibus.
  • Etiam eu molestie eros, commodo hendrerit sapien.

Chief Dentist

General Staff

Dra. Sara González León

Dra. Sara González León

  • Licenciada en Odontología por la Universidad de Granada
  • Master en Ortodoncia y Ortopedia por la Universidad de Salamanca
  • Master en Ortodoncia Invisible
  • Colegiado nº 09001294
Dr. Antonio Canal González

Dr. Antonio Canal González

  • Licenciado en Odontología por la Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio
  • Master de Implantología y Rehabilitación Oral por la E.S.O.R.I.B. en colaboración con las Universidades de Nueva York y Paris
  • Diploma universitario de implantología oral y maxilofacial por la Universidad de Paris XII – Val de Marne. Facultad de Medicina de Creteil
  • Master en Implantología Straumann
  • Profesor titular de prótesis dental II, Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes
  • Profesor asociado al Master en Periodoncia e Implantología, Universidad Miguel de Cervantes
  • Colegiado nº 47001139
Orthodontics 78%
Implants 83%
Cosmetic Dentistry 89%
Orthodontics 92%
Implants 86%
Cosmetic Dentistry 77%
Orthodontics 89%
Implants 75%
Cosmetic Dentistry 95%

Philosophy and Basic Conditions

Individual consultancy

Each treatment starts with a detailed analysis of the patient’s medical history, followed by a thorough consultation. We will always take our time to find out about your personal wishes and needs in order to explain the options to you. This process is based on many years of experience in combination with recent research findings.

Post-treatment care and long-term success

We are interested in long-term success and also affordable treatments. Hence, after your treatment, we offer you a follow-up and control timetable taking into account your individual dental risk profile. Needless to say that all services carried out are under warranty.

Cost management

Treatment costs depend on the extent of your treatment plan. We provide transparency in this respect to help our patients  make the right choice with regard to goods and services they would like to purchase.

Friendliness, hygiene, organisation

Successful treatment can only be achieved in a positive setting. Friendliness, hygiene and modern ways of organisation are core values of our professional attitude.